Adobe Flash Player-2014 Free Download
Download Adobe Flash Player 13.0.82(Non-IE)

Adobe Flash Player is a multiform client run time which is the choice of both and individual user and organizations when it comes to a highly powerful and extremely adaptable. Adobe Flash Player has many new extra features. This software is included with all major Web Browsers.
Adobe Flash Player supports several type of data formats including AMF, SWF, XML and JSON. Also the multimedia formats which support Adobe Flash Player are MP3, FLV, JPEG, GIF, PNG and RTMP. Accelerated Graphics rendering is also the feature of Adobe Flash Player.

Top New Features include:
- Adobe Flash Player is Highly quality bandwidth video with advanced compression technology and multi-thread video decoding.
- Crisp artistic text, utilizing an advanced text rendering engine.
- Adobe Flash Player support Stage 3D accelerated graphics rendering.
- Engaging Flash video, content and application s with full screen mode.
- Blend modes, stroke enhancement and radial gradient.

The versatility of Adobe Flash Player is second to none, with animation .
Technical View:
Title: Adobe Flash Player 13.0..82 (Non-IE)- 2014 free edition
File name setup_2014_.exe
Language en-US
Licence Free wareAuthor Adobe
Adobe System Inc. Restrict hosting of their products installation files . So you will be redirected to the official Adobe download page.