Free Download Netscape browser latest version
Netscape Browser Download For Windows

Netscape browser provides more security options, streamlines more standard browsing task and more better work with excellent search results and arms intent users with more time-saving to their browsing needs.

Spyware And Ad-ware Protection
The Netscape provide real time Spyware scanning when you download files from the web. You may also run memory and disk scan for new spyware protection and prevention.
Real-Time Feeds: The Netscape Browser takes the mystery out of real Simple Syndication.
Profiles: Create more than one profile to keep you bookmarks using Netscape browser.

Site Control: The new Netscape Browser gives you more ways to make your browser faster and secure.
Technical View:
Title: Netscape Latest Version For Windows
File name NETSCAPE_6.7.exe
Language en-US
Licence FreewareAuthor Netscape Software